Positive & Negative Montage

Today, I have made a positive & Negative montage; including my positive skills and emotions plus my negative skills and emotions.

I was tasked to create a montage (Poster-like document) which I had to create that had to feature my positive and negative skills and emotions. Firstly, I mind-mapped my ideas down on a piece of paper, where I had listed some positive aspects such as kind, generous and organised. And has also listed my negative points such as my bad eye sight, being unsociable and being an outcast.

I had taken all of these aspects and had started to take images from the internet and pasted it to the mindmap. Eventually completing this task, I had glanced over to my acquaintance next to me and I had realised  I had done it wrong.

I had re-created my piece by getting a A3 piece of paper. Then I had coloured one side red and the other side blue to represent positive and negative. I had stuck the same images onto the piece of paper remembering that I could not label them as the whole idea of the project was to identify the person’s emotions through the images.

Finally I had outlined each image with some fineliners to make a distinctive and bold look to it.

Overall, I know that the finished project was rushed, but it still looked quite good, as the fineliner had gave it the finishing touch! If I had done it again next time, I would have asked to repeat the task so that I could finish the project to the greatest standard.

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